Time: 5 minutes
Pool is 1 of the coolest developments within Lightning. Basically, it enables bonds on the Lightning network. You can earn interest on your bitcoin using Pool, without placing it with a third party. So you always remain in control of your bitcoin.
- Golang # (update to the latest version before you start)
First, go to your home directory.
cd ~
Download the source code.
git clone https://github.com/lightninglabs/pool
Enter the directory.
cd pool
Grab the latest version/tag/release.
git checkout v0.6.0-beta
Install the Pool software.
make install
Test if it succeeded by temporarily starting Pool.
In the output you will read that pool is connected to your LND and with Ctrl + C
you can stop poold
Besides the pool program there is also a CLI installed. You can check it with pool --version
You can access Pool from the outside on two different ports.
sudo ufw allow 8281 comment "Port for REST API of Pool"sudo ufw allow 12010 comment "Port for RPC from Pool"
If you want to run Pool in the background then you need another service.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/pool.service
Paste this in.
Save the changes with Ctrl + X
and confirm with Y
Notify the system of the new service.
sudo systemctl enable pool
Start the pool service as follows.
sudo systemctl start pool
If you want to see if the service was started, run this.
systemctl status pool
If you want an overview of the status across multiple sessions, use this command.
sudo journalctl -f -u pool
Go to the application directory.
cd ~/pool
Update the repository with the latest changes via Git.
git fetch --all
Show the latest version/tag/release.
git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`
Retrieve the changes from the latest release.
git checkout -f <OUTPUT FROM PREVIOUS STEP> #e.g. v0.6.0-beta
Install the pooled
make install
Restart the Pool and LiT services (if you have that running).
sudo systemctl restart poolsudo systemctl restart lit